Artist and sculptor added to the mix for TEDxBanbury

Liz DixonLiz Dixon
Liz Dixon
TEDxBanbury has announced artist Liz Dixon as a guest speaker during next year’s inaugural event.

Liz is a self-taught artist, having originally trained as an engineer working in both the defence and automotive industries before changing careers after discovering textile sculpture in 2011.

Liz said: “My art is inspired by the recycled materials around me, some found, some donated, some sourced for a specific task.

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“Textiles and texture are the common themes running through each piece, with designs growing organically as each theme is developed.

“By looking at the world specifically through the lens of shape, form and textural properties it is possible to incorporate everyday objects and textiles into my art in unexpected ways, finding that ‘just right’ item for each individual piece.”

Liz has exhibited at a number of UK galleries and taken part in Oxfordshire Art Weeks and Warwickshire Open Studios.

Lisa Simmons, from TEDx, added: “Liz has been set a challenge to create something unique and very special for our TEDxBanbury event.”

The February 29 event will be the first of its kind for the town and guest speakers so far confirmed include; Dave Earle, Karen Irvani and Lisa Bhanu and George Martin.