Banbury Star cyclist in 11-rider crash at windy airfield race

Richard Santhouse suffered a few cuts and bruises in the crashRichard Santhouse suffered a few cuts and bruises in the crash
Richard Santhouse suffered a few cuts and bruises in the crash
Sign up for club's Hardriders event in March

Airfields are always windy and Week 2 of the Art Criterion series presented the Banbury Star riders with a very strong headwind down the back straight at Dalton Barracks Abingdon, writes David Tew. The format was the same, a race lasting 45 minutes + 3 laps.

Stuart Quick and Richard Santhouse started in the 56 rider field.

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After early breakaways with came to nothing, the race sparked with four laps to go. Richard, who was comfortably in the bunch, was the unfortunate victim of a touch of wheels and at just over 20mph, he and ten other riders crashed onto the tarmac.

Richard suffered a few cuts and bruises and his bike will be repaired for week 3.

The crash caused a split in the field as 20 riders headed off while the rest of the field negotiated around the crash.

Stuart’s very sharp reactions avoided the crash and after riding very hard for a lap to catch the leading 20, he eventually crossed the line in 9th place. Felix Bird for Cowley Road Condors attacked from a long way out to win.

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Peggy Simpkins, once again representing Banbury Star, competed in the Women’s race at the airfield circuit.

A field of 27 started in the ever strengthening wind, and Peggy stepped up her racing performance with a 15th place finish.

Lap times were consistent and she held position in the bunch, finishing only a few seconds behind the winner Libby Smithson from AWOL Worx Galliard.

The club applauds the riders for their efforts in this winter series of races in cold, windy and wet conditions.

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The racing season opens in March with Banbury Star Cyclists’ Club feared Hardriders event, posing a real test of a rider’s winter training efforts.

Starting at Wroxton, competitors head north west, descending the notorious Sunrising Hill to Ettington where they then turn around and retrace the route to HQ, climbing back up the hill which is 17% at it’s steepest, completing 23 miles.

The winner is presented with the Broughton Cup.

After a temporary lockdown move to a summer date in 2021, Hardriders 2022 will resume its early place in the racing calendar, being held on Sunday, March 13 with the first rider off at 0801. The race HQ will once again be Wroxton Sports Club.

To enter the event visit: Entries close on March 1.

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Riders can defrost and refuel post-race with some of our home-baked cakes and a well-earned cup of tea at race HQ.

Club Records were set at the event in June. Luke Norris from Banbury Star won last year in a time of 50.39 minutes, closely followed by David Fellows from Solihull CC 50.09 mins.

The women’s record was set by Naomi De Pennington from Banbury Star with a time of 58.27.