Three men from Cherwell arrested for skipping court in force-wide operation

Three men from Cherwell district are among 33 to be arrested on suspicion of evading justice and failing to appear at court after a police operation.

Thames Valley Police officers made 194 dawn and dusk arrest attempts between October 2 and 13, as part of Operation Reaper.

In total, eight women and 25 men aged between 19 and 66 were located, facing a variety of offences, the largest number of which were for breaching court orders, driving-related offences and theft.

One of the men was arrested on suspicion of assault.

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Detective Sergeant Granville Williams, who led the operation, said: “Every day officers work really hard to safeguard victims and bring those that offend against them to justice.

“It is disheartening to see that many offenders deny justice being served by failing to appear at court and going on the run as fugitives.

“Thames Valley Police has recognised this growing problem and this two week operation is part of the measures put in place both locally and regionally to bring wanted fugitives to justice and achieve satisfactory closure for victims.

“I expect this successful initiative will continue.”

The Cherwell people arrested were:

• A 25-year-old man arrested on suspicion of possession of a controlled drug (class A). He received a fine.

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• A 55-year-old man arrested on suspicion of failing to provide a specimen. He received a fine.

• A 66-year-old man arrested on suspicion of driving in excess of alcohol, using a mobile phone while driving and failing to surrender to court. This case is ongoing at Luton Crown Court.

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