Readers capture images of the '˜Supermoon'

The Supermoon over Hardwick Estate in Banbury  by E.Collins Photography NNL-161116-111509001The Supermoon over Hardwick Estate in Banbury  by E.Collins Photography NNL-161116-111509001
The Supermoon over Hardwick Estate in Banbury by E.Collins Photography NNL-161116-111509001
Banbury residents were pointing their cameras and phones skywards this week to catch a glimpse of the '˜supermoon'.

The celestial body was as close to Earth as it had been for 70 years providing amateur astronomers a rare opportunity to take detailed photographs.

Banbury Guardian readers took on the challenge to capture the ‘Supermoon’ with varying degrees of success.

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E. Collins photography managed to capture images of incredible clarity from a vantage point in Hardwick in Banbury while Sam Smith also found a break in the clouds to document the moons close orbit.

The Supermoon over Hardwick Estate in Banbury  by E.Collins Photography NNL-161116-111641001The Supermoon over Hardwick Estate in Banbury  by E.Collins Photography NNL-161116-111641001
The Supermoon over Hardwick Estate in Banbury by E.Collins Photography NNL-161116-111641001

While certain areas of the country were blessed with relatively clear skies, Oxfordshire was mostly cloudy.

This minor inconvenience, however, didn’t stop BG reader Mandy Sammons from attempting to document history, resulting in less than spectacular results but winning our award for humorous post of the day.

The moon will return as a ‘Supermoon’ in 2034.