Quick thinking staff limit damage after blaze at converted aircraft hangar

Fire crews rushed to the sceneFire crews rushed to the scene
Fire crews rushed to the scene
Fire crews from Banbury, Bicester and Deddington tackle a fire caused by a paper shredding accident at a large converted aircraft hangar in Upper Heyford yesterday (Wednesday).

Firefighters rushed to an industrial unit on Heyford Park, Camp Road where they discovered the large converted hangar was heavily smoke-logged.

Firefighters liaised with on-site staff who confirmed the blaze was located in a large industrial paper shredding machine towards to rear of the unit.

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A member of staff had attempted to suppress the fire using several fire extinguishers, prior to the arrival of the fire crews.

Two Firefighters wearing Breathing Apparatus used a thermal imaging camera and high-pressure hose reel to locate and extinguish the fire and ventilation fans were used to clear smoke from the building. The fire is believed to have been caused when an electronic device which was accidentally placed in waste paper, which was then fed into the shredder.

Watch manager Chris Hollis from Oxfordshire Fire and Rescue Service praised the actions of staff who ensured that everyone was evacuated safely with no injuries.

“The unit was also particularly clean and tidy, which prevented this incident from developing into a much larger fire,” Mr Hollis said.

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“On this occasion properly trained staff were able to use fire extinguishers to limit the growth of the fire, however we would like to take this opportunity to remind everyone that fire extinguishers should only be used by someone who has been trained and is confident in their use. Above all, you should never endanger your own safety in attempting to fight a fire yourself.”