Deserted Wroxton pub to be renovated and reopened later this year

The North Arms pub in Wroxton which is expected to be reopened within the next yearThe North Arms pub in Wroxton which is expected to be reopened within the next year
The North Arms pub in Wroxton which is expected to be reopened within the next year
The North Arms, one of Wroxton's two deserted pubs, is to be renovated and reopened to the public within the next year.

The building closed as a pub and restaurant in 2013. It was made an asset of community value and was the subject of a failed community buyout in 2014. Pledges to buy shares were offered at £500 and the Save Our North Arms Pub campaign received huge support from villagers and former US students of the college.

Wroxton College (Fairleigh Dickinson University) announced in 2016 it had bought the pub and has confirmed it has been successful in its efforts to get planning consent for the building.

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Nicholas Baldwin, the dean and director of operations at the college said on the Save our North Arms Pub Facebook site: "All of us at Wroxton College and at Fairleigh Dickinson University very much look forward to restoring and reopening the North Arms for all the community to enjoy.

"Our hope and intention is that The North Arms will be a traditional pub and a new restaurant, including being open for morning coffee and afternoon tea. In short, we hope that it will be a significant asset for all of us to enjoy. Thank you for your patience over these many months – it really does now look as though there is light at the end of (a very long) tunnel."

This month the college was given planning consent for the pub subject to a variety of conditions for renovation and redevelopment of the North Arms.

Now the project will be put out to tender and work is expected to take almost a year.

"We look forward to finally opening the pub and thank you for your patience and support," said Mr Baldwin.