Banbarians looking to build bridges offered TV chance

Relative StrangersRelative Strangers
Relative Strangers
Channel 4 have commissioned a new factual series about estranged families and are looking for adults who want expert help in reconnecting and rebuilding family relationships.

The show, Relative Strangers, will shoot over four days in October and will help people reconnect and rebuild their relationship with their mum, dad, brother or sister who they no longer speak to.

It will also assist people who have tracked down lost relatives in making their first in person contact and establishing an ongoing relationship.

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In each episode, two family members who want help are brought together for a four day process under the guidance of an experienced relationship expert.

Whilst not every attempt will be successful, the expert is highly experienced in helping estranged family members and the hope is that people in the series will be helped to establish positive and lasting relationships.

An estimated one in five British families are affected by estrangement and knowing how to move a relationship forward without help can be incredibly tough.

The deadline for applications is October 4.

For more information on how to apply email [email protected] or call 0207 061 8539 or 07719 012 147.

The show is open to people 18-years-old and up and will air in the new year.

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