Man robbed in People's Park

MHBG-23-05-13 Peoples Park

Peoples Park Gvs
Peoples Park sign ENGNNL00120130520154359MHBG-23-05-13 Peoples Park

Peoples Park Gvs
Peoples Park sign ENGNNL00120130520154359
MHBG-23-05-13 Peoples Park Peoples Park Gvs Sign Peoples Park sign ENGNNL00120130520154359
A man was threatened with a knife and his wallet was stolen in a robbery in People's Park on Friday.

The 26-year-old was walking through the park at around 5.15pm when he was approached by another man who asked him for a lighter.

When the victim could not provide a lighter, the other man threatened him with a bladed weapon, believed to be a knife, and demanded his wallet.

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The victim’s black leather wallet, which contained a cash, his driver’s licence and a bank card, was stolen from him.

The offender then hit the victim in the stomach before running off. The victim did not require hospital treatment.

The offender is described as a black man, around 5ft 7in and of a medium build. He was believed to be wearing a black jacket with the hood up, and covered his face with a dark-coloured scarf.

PC Richard Blewitt from Banbury Police Station said: “This was a traumatising experience for the victim and we are determined to identify who is responsible.

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“If you witnessed the robbery or have any information which could assist with the investigation, please call Thames Valley Police on 101 quoting reference 43170041718.”

People can also call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.