Man punched and robbed in Spiceball Park

Spiceball ParkSpiceball Park
Spiceball Park
A man was punched and robbed while walking in Spiceball Park on Saturday.

At around 4.10pm the 18-year-old victim was walking on the footpath near the skateboard ramps.

Before he approached the wooded area he saw a man and a woman.

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The woman walked away and the man approached, threatened him and demanded his property .

The man then punched him in the face before the victim handed over some cash. The victim was bruised but did not require hospital treatment.

Investigating officer PC Jonathan Livingston, from Banbury police station, said: “I would like to speak to anyone who witnessed the robbery or anyone who has any information about what happened.

“This was a random attack where the victim was assaulted and was so fearful that he felt he had no choice but to hand over money. The victim was left shocked at what happened.

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“If you have any details which could assist the investigation, call Thames Valley Police’s 24-hour enquiry centre on the non-emergency number, 101.”

People who want to remain anonymous can call Crimestoppers on 0800 555111.