Study claims Cherwell district is the second most prepared area for electric cars in UK

According to a recent survey the Cherwell area is the second most prepared for electric cars in the UK.According to a recent survey the Cherwell area is the second most prepared for electric cars in the UK.
According to a recent survey the Cherwell area is the second most prepared for electric cars in the UK.
A new study claims that the Cherwell district is the second most prepared area for the switch to electric vehicles in the UK.

The study by Moneyshake analysed data from the Department for Transport on three factors - the number of public charging devices, the number of charging devices installed using the Workplace Scheme and the number installed using the Homecharge Scheme.

Cherwell emerged as the second highest area for the switch to EV putting them ahead of areas like the Cotswolds and Milton Keynes but behind Stratford-on-Avon.