Care home in Brackley put into special measures after Care Quality Commission inspection

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A Northamptonshire care home has been put into special measures by the Care Quality Commission after inspectors judged its care to be inadequate.

Brackley Lodge Nursing Home was inspected in April. CQC found the provider was failing to provide care which was safe, effective, caring, well-led and responsive to people’s needs.

In response, a spokesperson for the home said immmediate action had been taken to address the issues raised and a new manager and assistant manager had been appointed.

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Under CQC’s programme of inspections, all adult social care services are being given a rating to help people choose care.

Overall, Brackley Lodge Nursing Home has been rated as ‘inadequate’.

The home was also issued with a warning following the inspection which demanded immediate improvements were made in relation to the safety of care and treatment provided.

CQC found that people were not being protected from abuse at the home, staff recruitment processes were not sufficiently robust and people were being cared for by staff without the right training or skills to meet the needs of people at the home, Safeguarding processes needed strengthening and staff did not always understand their role and responsibilities with regard to protecting people from harm.

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Reasons for injuries and bruising were not always understood and notifications to the relevant authorities were not consistently made.

Medicines were not always safely or appropriately managed and the risks to people at the home were not continually assessed or managed.

In addition, people’s nutritional needs were not always known to staff and people were not always offered support to eat and drink. People’s dignity and respect was not adequately protected and some people were not being

bathed or showered for long periods of time.

Sue Howard, CQC’s deputy chief inspector of adult social care, said: “It is essential that Brackley Lodge Nursing Home takes action to address the concerns we identified at this inspection. The provider has a responsibility to ensure that people living at the home are safe and protected from the risk of harm.

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“All people living at Brackley Lodge Nursing Home have a right to receive care which is of a high quality, compassionate and safe.

“When we are faced with a residential or nursing home failing their residents, our first instinct is to make sure the service improves.

“Since these concerns were first raised, we have been working closely with Northamptonshire County Council and other agencies. We have placed this service in special measures and have issued a warning to the provider.

“We will re-inspect the home within six months to check whether sufficient improvements have been made. If sufficient improvements have not been made and there remains a rating of inadequate for any key question or overall, we will take further action which may include cancelling the registration of the service.”

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A spokesperson for Brackley Lodge Nursing Home said: “The welfare of the people we support is our absolute priority and we take all feedback from the Care Quality Commission (CQC) extremely seriously. We were very disappointed with the results of the inspection in April and immediately took action to address all of the feedback we received.

“Since April, a new manager and assistant manager have been appointed and a comprehensive and robust action plan has been implemented to ensure our standards meet the high level of care each resident expects and deserves.

“Considerable improvements have been made during the two months since the inspection. We look forward to demonstrating this progress to the CQC and will continue to strive to provide the best quality care for every resident – this is our absolute priority.”

A full report from the inspection has been published on