Banbury hospice featured in Channel 4 report on funding shortfall

A KHH nurse talks with a patientA KHH nurse talks with a patient
A KHH nurse talks with a patient
Channel 4 News has featured Adderbury's Katharine House Hospice in a special report about hospice care and the national hospice funding crisis.

Channel 4’s cameras followed staff and patients at the hospice for two days to see what happens at the hospice that cares for more than 900 families affected by a life-limiting illness.

The resulting film tells the story of two patients who are being supported by the hospice at the end of their lives. The film also highlights the funding issues faced by Katharine House, which also affects more than 160 of the UK’s 200 hospices

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Chris Higgins, marketing and communications manager at Katharine House, said: “We were delighted to work with Channel 4 News to create the film, and it shows the vital care Katharine House provides to local families.

"Unfortunately, the care that is shown in the film is at risk because of the broken national hospice funding model. With the government only providing a quarter of the £4.8 million Katharine House needs every year, we now face a budgeted deficit of more than £435,000 this year.

"We hope that the film will shine a light on the work Katharine House and other hospices do for people, and that it will inspire our community to donate to help close the funding shortfall and ensure that local people can still access the care they urgently need.”

The funding deficit puts services at risk for more than 900 local families living with cancer, motor neurone disease, heart failure and around 20 other life-limiting illnesses.

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Last autumn Katharine House launched a community appeal to help close the funding gap, whilst more than £60,000 has already been raised, at least £400,000 is still urgently needed.

To donate to Katharine House or find out more information visit;

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