Top tips for landlords at Cherwell council forum
Cherwell District Council will be running the landlords’ forum on the evening of Thursday, November 29.
It covers a range of topics to help attendees deliver the best possible service for tenants, including a talk on Universal Credit by the Department for Work and Pensions.
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Hide AdThe talk will focus on how the department can help Universal Credit work for landlords and look to dispel some of the myths surrounding it.
A pest control officer will present helpful hints on how landlords can keep their properties free from unwanted animals, while a representative from the National Landlords Association will give a range of legislative and news updates.
Cllr John Donaldson, Cherwell’s lead member for housing, said: “A professional and modern private rental sector is an important part of our district’s housing market.
“The aim of the landlords’ forum is to support best practice in the sector by making sure landlords have access to all the latest information and advice.
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Hide Ad“It always proves a popular event and a great way for landlords to ensure they are delivering an excellent service to their tenants.”
The landlords’ forum will be held from 6pm to 8pm at Bodicote House.
Booking is not essential, but will help the organisers plan refreshments. Those who are unable to attend can subscribe to a biannual landlords’ newsletter using the contact details below.
For further details about the event and to confirm attendance, please call the council’s tenancy relations officer, Paul France, on 01295 227088 or email [email protected]