Here are the candidates for Police and Crime Commissioner for the Thames Valley Police Area

Four people have been nominated as candidates for the office of Police and Crime Commissioner election for the Thames Valley Police Area.Four people have been nominated as candidates for the office of Police and Crime Commissioner election for the Thames Valley Police Area.
Four people have been nominated as candidates for the office of Police and Crime Commissioner election for the Thames Valley Police Area.
Four people have been nominated as candidates for the office of Police and Crime Commissioner election for the Thames Valley Police Area.

A statement of people nominated for the office of Police and Crime Commissioner election for the Thames Valley Police Area has been published today (Friday April 9).

People across the Banbury area can cast their ballot on Thursday May 6 for the Police and Crime Commissioner election.

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The following four people are the candidates for the office of Police and Crime Commissioner election for the Thames Valley Police Area:

Matthew David Barber, from Wantage, Conservative Party

Laetisia Carter, from Chipping Norton, Labour and Co-operative Party

John Orrell Howson, from Oxford, Liberal Democrats Party

Alan Gordon Robinson, from Banbury, Independent

A few key election date reminders:

- April 19 (at 11:59 pm) is the deadline for people to register to vote. For more on how to register to vote see the following web link: April 20 (no later than 5pm) is the deadline for receiving new postal vote applications for all the elections.