Cornbury Festival postponed due to the coronavirus pandemic concerns

The Cornbury Music FestivalThe Cornbury Music Festival
The Cornbury Music Festival | other
The Cornbury Music Festival has been postponed due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Festival organiser, Hugh Phillimore, said: "Thank you for bearing with us in these uncertain times - we were hoping circumstances might change, but we’ve now bowed to the inevitable and are very sad to announce the postponement of this year’s festival."

The popular music festival was set to take place on July 10, 11 and 12 at Great Tew Park.

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Organisers have secured dates for next summer at Great Tew on July 9, 10 and 11.

Hugh added: "We'll repeat most of the same line-up, along with some new names and special guests."

Tickets for this year's festival will remain valid for the 2021 event.

Hugh said: "We would greatly appreciate it if you are able to defer your booking to next Summer's event. This will help us enormously to support our ongoing costs and longstanding loyal team who will no doubt need our help during what may well turn out to be a very difficult summer.

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"We can’t wait to deliver to you another wonderful weekend in 2021, and trust you’ll all remain safe and healthy in the meantime."

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