Runaway dog who hitched a lift in a delivery van to escape home lockdown in Chipping Norton has inspired a special reading treat for children

Julia Huddart and dog Madge.Julia Huddart and dog Madge.
Julia Huddart and dog Madge. | other
The story has been called ‘Lockdown Lizzie takes a trip’

A runaway dog who hitched a lift in a delivery van to escape home lockdown has inspired a special reading treat for kids.

The dog belongs to Chipping Norton reading mentor Julia Huddart, who is one of around 300 ARCh (Assisted Reading for Children) volunteers who promote the pleasures of reading in primary schools across Oxfordshire.

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Now local children’s author Tracey Lloyd, creator of ‘Bubble and Squeak and other stories for two voices’, has turned the story into a duologue between the dog and the van driver as they team up to deliver books, cheese and toilet rolls to locked-down households.

ARCh development manager Jane Rendle said: “Shared reading is one of the best ways to give new or reluctant readers a passion for books.

"With so many children stuck at home at the moment, missing friends and getting behind with schoolwork, ‘Lockdown Lizzie takes a trip’ is a story they can enjoy and relate to.”

Author Tracey Lloyd added: “Playing the part of the dog - whilst a parent or sibling plays the part of the driver - can give a child a stress-free way to develop reading skills and to have fun at the same time.”

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The story is now available for download on the ARCh website at together with a range of other shared reading texts by Tracey Lloyd which offer an ideal resource to help teachers and parents to turn reluctant readers into book lovers.

ARCh is actively recruiting more volunteers to help children discover the lifetime joy and benefits reading brings.

For more details about volunteering or supporting the charity in other ways email [email protected] or visit the website

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